Bodmers Journey
the creators
Luke Gasser -Writer, Director, Camera, Soundtrack and Executive Producer
Luke Gasser was born in 1966 in Lungern, Obwalden, Switzerland. From 1983-1987 Luke was training as a sculptor at the University in Lucerne of Applied Sciences and Arts. Since 1991 Luke Gasser is an independent Sculptor, Painter and Musician and since 1999 he is more and more interested in Film. At the moment, Luke lives in Kaegiswil, Obwalden.
Luke Gasser on Facebook
Luke Gasser on Facebook
Danny Ming - Camera, Producer
Danny Ming on Facebook
Guido Baechler - Soundmix, Editor, Producer
Monika Baechler - Co-Writer - web and Graphic design - Translation and Co-Producer
Jeridoo Productions -
Web and Graphic Design:
Monika Baechler on Facebook
Web and Graphic Design:
Monika Baechler on Facebook
Michael Egger - Editor
Michael Egger on IMDB
Webmaster: Monika Baechler / Jeridoo Switzerland